2019: Year of Surrender // NEW SCHEDULE

Happy New Everything! 

As I like to say when it’s a loved one’s birthday, anniversary or when the calendar on the wall tells us it’s ready to get a new one 😀

Really, I do like turning pages a lot. There is nothing as soothing as a clean page in your journal, a room without furniture or the sight of the vast ocean before your eyes. And I remember having the same feeling on the first day of the year when I was younger. The fireworks and champagne of the night before still buzzing through my system, but the quiet of New Year’s Day like a calm blanket, telling you it’s okay to just stay on the couch today.

Instant Self-Improvement Syndrome

But in recent years, I notice that every new year starts with at least one challenge, one complete body make-over, plan-out-your-yearly-goals-ahead workshop or eliminating-what-not-from-your-mealplan. And I totally fall under that category, shame taken. I think it’s no coincidence that Netflix launched Marie Kondo’s show on January 1st, turning the whole planet into a crazy chicken coop. Because who doesn’t wanna invite joy back into their lives? But please, NOW!

But behold! What is a beautiful intention at first sight – to find lightness, space, laughter and more ease in how we live – might easily get smudged and crumpled and could end up as another fad before the month is over, like so many other high-flying goals before.

What is your Why?

Yes, if you want to make a change, you need a plan. That plan can be super accurate with a daily tracker system or it can be loose like post-its all over your apartment. But before you haven’t figured out WHY you want to make that change, you won’t go through with it.

Last year around that time I was sitting down with notepads and crayons and a huge paper roll that my kids use for drawing and after a productive morning rolling around in our sun-lit living room, I had come up with a roadmap for my year ahead. I was surprised and amazed at the same time with the creativity and boldness that had burst out before me. Every month or so in 2018 I would actually sit down with this Blueprint and check in. A lot of it never became reality (like too many workshops that I never found time for, or simply didn’t make a priority. I kindly thanked them and let them go ;)). But a lot of it did actually come true and other treasures were added that I wouldn’t have dared to dream up before.

For 2019, I don’t have that kind of Blueprint. I am trying to find the time and the (mental) space to brainstorm with myself, but it ain’t happenin’. Life is happening, that’s what is. But that doesn’t mean this is going to be a bad or unfulfilling year. It just means that I have to me more aware and in tune with how and WHY I am doing what I am doing.


What does that mean for you guys? There might be yoga workshops or special events later this year, but first I want to build a sustainable foundation as a teacher. I want to be there for you, the people who come to my class, in my best shape. And that means, attentive, nurturing, clear, well-rested, healthy, open and in my own playful way. Because I know that is also YOUR WHY to come to my classes.

Finally: New classes in 2019 🙂

There are a few new classes on the schedule. You might have already seen that I am now putting another Womanhood Studio day on my schedule, every 2nd Saturday. I am hosting a Yoga+Play class (alternating with YogaVayu who will be there on the other Saturdays) at 9.00 am and another delicious Yin Yoga class at 11.00 am. The studio is like a second home to me, so I am very happy I will get more chances to go Delft. Always great for coffee and lunch dates after <3

And *drumroll* yes, I will have my own class at the very NEW Balanzs studio on Laan van NOI! The opening of the studio is happening this weekend on Saturday, 26 January from 16.00. Together with my fellow colleagues we’ll offer FREE 30 minute intro classes that day. I will be teaching a Gentle Flow class on Fridays, my first regular class taking place on Friday, 1 February at 10.45 am. That buzz alone is already making my year 🙂

All my other classes at Womanhood, Yogastudio 118 and ESH are continuing in 2019. So if you made it all the way to the end of this random blog post, thank you! For your patience. For your support. For your openness.

Be kind with yourself. And surrender to what is. As it is. I am looking forward to seeing you on the mat.

Much love and light,
