December Update: Looking out, looking in

Before the year is over, we take a look back. And a peak ahead. To arrive in the moment. 

Yesterday we turned the last page on our family kitchen calendar and now it’s a fact: Sinterklaas, Christmas and all the big celebrations of the year are finally here!

Yet, now more than ever our bodies naturally crave more time to relax and slow down. We have been paying special attention to this transition in our Slow Flow and Yin Yoga classes over the last weeks. And we will continue to do so as we continue through the cold time of the year. I am happy to see that people are returning to our classes, sticking to and growing in their practice. That this one hour on the mat gives them something that makes the rest of the day or night a little lighter, happier or more energized.

Our Kids yoga classes are growing as well. After a time of getting familiar with different poses, breathing exercises and relaxation, our little yogis are opening up with each class. Sharing their feelings, experiences and making friends as we travel through yoga stories together. Their witty jokes and ideas fill my heart with joyful laughter.

The new year may bring some changes, new Yin and Flow classes, but we are not there yet 🙂 I will keep you updated with dates and locations when the time is right.

For now, let’s focus on what is most important: Here and Now. This very moment. Sit up tall. Relax your shoulders. Take a lovely, deep breath in. And take a lovely, loooong breath out.


Remember this, especially in the coming weeks, whenever you need a little break, a boost, a time-out. It doesn’t take long and it makes all the difference.

Enjoy the journey. We will meet on the road.

Much Love,